
wlsleephandler-rs - Wayland SleepHandler

This is intended as a replacement of sway’s idle management daemon. I use it as a tool to understand rust message passing and state management. It aims to have the following goals:

I am now using it as a replacement for any ac and battery power daemon, since I can run tasks with it.


Until packaging is added you can install sleepwatcher using cargo.

cargo install --git https://github.com/fishman/sleepwatcher-rs


sleepwatcher-rs uses env_logger. You can enable logging by setting the RUST_LOG environment variable:

RUST_LOG=debug sleepwatcher-rs

Default config

The default config is written to ~/.config/sleepwatcher-rs/idle_config.lua on startup if the folder and file does not exist yet.


Lua is configured to be sandboxed, so no library functions can be used and only functions exposed inside the Rust can be used.

Important distinction between Helpers:run and Helpers:run_once. run_once will check if a process of that name is already running and won’t spawn a new one in that case. This may be useful, when a screen locker can create race conditions if spawned twice.

Originally I wanted to reload the config whenever the AC adaptor is plugged in and out, but due to the timeout issue described below, you can check for the on_battery state in functions.

Helpers:log("Loading idle_config.lua")

function LockScreen()
  Helpers:log("Locking Screen")
  IdleNotifier:run_once("swaylock -f")

function ScreenLockBattery(event)
  if event == "idled" and Helpers:on_battery() then

IdleNotifier:get_notification(300,  "ScreenLockBattery")

get_notification creates a Wayland idle timeout handler. It uses the ext-idle-notify-v1 protocol. It is not (yet) possible to create callback functions, so the function calls are made by specifying the name of the function.

PrepareSleep, LockScreen, UnlockScreen, are dbus signals from the org.freedesktop.logind.manager and org.freedesktop.logind.session.

Known issues